Our twin room upstairs is luxuriously furnished with an en-suite bathroom, towels, air conditioning and a TV. It has two single beds.

Check-in is possible from 14.00, check-out is at 10.00. Smoking or pets are not allowed in the rooms.

Room price 70 EUR/night

Breakfast is not included in the price. Tourist tax: 400 HUF/ person/ night.




Air conditioner


Free parking (unguarded)


venusz1 logo vb
H-2365 Inárcs, M5 motorway
Direction of Budapest 35th km marker
Email: info@venusz-panzio.hu
Business manager: Radácsiné Pacsirta Éva
Chef:  Váczi János
Mobil: +36 30 54 59 328
Opening hours: 0-24
venusz2 logo sb
H-2365 Inárcs, M5 motorway
Direction of Szeged 35th km marker
Email: info@venusz-panzio.hu
Business manager: Farkas Renáta
Chef: Berki Gábor
Mobil: +36 30 54 59 289
Opening hours: 0-24